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The fastest way to lose weight...

The other day I was staring at the laundry and toys and other miscellaneous items on the floor. It was a lot to take in. My first tendency was to sit down and think about the fastest way to tackle it all. My fingers were ready to do "research" on google to figure out the best and fastest way to clean a house.

Then I thought that I just needed to pick something up and put it away and then pick something else up and so on and so forth. I found myself singing a little song that I made up "The fastest way to clean is to clean". The song is silly but it dawned on me that the fastest way for me to clean my very lived in living room was to just start cleaning it. No plan or well researched strategy. No tips from books and news articles, just doing what needed to be done without hesitation.

When it comes to my weight, I believe this mentality of just starting to do what needs to be done is best. My last healthy weight for my height was probably 127-129 in 2020. That was the last time I recognized my body in the mirror. On the day of this blog, I weighed in at 167.8. I can almost pinpoint when I started going downhill but somewhere along the way I found myself at the point of no return, I think it was at about 140 that I just stopped trying and let it happen.

When someone is overweight, it is common for people to immediately address their food choices and physical activities. That is not wrong, but I found it frustrating because there was so much emotional and mental pain that led to my weight gain. Thankfully none of my friends ever called me fat or asked me why I was gaining so much weight and there were a few safe places/people that I processed some of my pain with and that was incredibly healing for me.

Moving forward, I have 3 gorgeous children and I just want to be healthy and live long for them. I want to lose this physical weight now that I've lost that emotional and mental weight that was weighing me down. I want to do it fast and the fastest way to lose weight is to lose weight! I'm not paying one more dollar for a miracle supplement, personal coaching community, weight loss app, etc. I have done all this but because the real problem was mental, these were just a waste of money for me at the time.

I'm not spending hours researching a plan or even creating one. I'm just going to do one healthy thing at a time that I know will bring the numbers down. Just like picking up one item off the floor at a time will get my house cleaned quickly.

The one thing I did today was fill my water jug :) The pic below was taken a few months ago but the weight is the same.

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