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confessions: Let's talk about SEX...

Confessions events are meaningful workshops of honesty, encouragement, and laughter for groups of single ladies in person or virtually.
This is not your typical abstinence event for young girls. It is designed for women over 18 years old who find themselves still single and navigating the journey of abstinence while waiting on the Lord for a spouse. 
book your confessions event! 


What is a Confessions'  event?

A Confessions'  Night is a fun, interactive evening of bonding, sharing & encouragement for single women in your congregation.





What happens at a Confessions' event?

Testimony sharing, group activities & games that are designed to help ladies open up for sharing their own journeys of the single life and tackle topics that may be generally glossed over from the pulpit. 




How can I book this event for my church? 

Simply click on the BOOK NOW link below, fill out the form and await a confirmation email with follow up details regarding your event. 



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